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Self publishing a novel

I always said I was going to write a novel, but for many years, I never got round to it. There was always something else to do. This year, I managed to actually do it, and while I can't say that I've picked up a huge book contract, I'm still pretty proud of the book I wrote so I'm self-publishing it and selling it to bookstores myself. It's a steep learning curve to work out how to get my book printed and working out all of the details of how the physical book will look. This website is a glimpse into the physical side of printing up your own self-published books for other new authors.


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Self publishing a novel

Professional Tips for Presenting Your Business Properly Through Printing

by Lourdes Ramos

Even with the popularity of shopping online and looking up information about businesses over the Internet, business printing is still a very important part of your marketing and communication today. Customers and clients may want to hold on to a physical brochure, letter, invitation or other pieces of advertising, and in some cases, you may need to send them something in writing. This is why your business printing is very important, as it represents your company and should reflect it properly. Note a few professional tips for presenting your business through your printed material.

1. The font should reflect the business

You may love the look of an overly ornate font on letterhead, but remember that the typeface should reflect the business and your industry. If you sell wedding invitations, then something scrolling and fancy might be in order, but if you're an accountant, you want to have a font that is simple and that looks more serious. For a product that is sold for children such as toys or clothes, something colourful and basic will be a better option. Your clients or customers should immediately get a feeling for your business based on the font or typeface of your business printing, no matter your industry.

2. All materials need to be cohesive

Your business printing will no doubt include business cards as well as brochures and other materials, which is why you need to think about your font, logo and all other elements as to how they will look on a wide variety of pieces. An oversized logo may look great on a brochure but it may overwhelm a business card, or it may not be very recognizable once you shrink it down to fit. Remember that your business printing needs to be cohesive so consider all the material you'll have printed when deciding on its features.

3. Make it easy to understand for everyone 

You may want to save space on your business materials by abbreviating the word 'phone' down to the letter P, or the word 'mobile' down to the letter M, but will your customers and clients understand what you mean? Be careful of abbreviating 'Facebook' to just FB or of using symbols for social media channels that some customers and clients might not understand. Put yourself in the shoes of your client or customer as you read your materials, and consider if someone not familiar with phrases, shortcuts, symbols and the like may not understand your business printing.
